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Friday, October 29, 2010

ballon instructions

hey guys!I am real in to balloons(qualatex 260s)you can make all kinds of stuff with them.Heres a video of on of them:

Joshua 1:9

This is a verse that I memorized back in 2009 thats pretty good:Joshua 1:9 Be strong and of good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the LORD thy GOD is with thee withsoever thou goest.  

we are back!!!

I am back!!!Thank you sooo much for praying for us.We had a great time!!!Here's some(not all.=( ) videos of at the C.M (creation museum)and at the conference.


well here I am again,typing away for you guys,anyway,I made a tract for you guys so if you are not saved,(you can be saved to)this is for you:Are you a good person?Yes?If so this tract is for you.Are you good by your standards?Then how about God's standards?Don't know?Lets go through the Ten Commandments. 1.You shall have no other gods before me.Have you ever had a carved image and worshiped it?And it doesn't have to be carved!It can be a TV or a person or anything, you can make something higher than God!2.You shall not bow down to any carved image.have you ever bowed down to an image of an an animal or of a saint?If you have broken any of those two commandments that makes us idolaters! 3.You shall not take God's name in vain.Have you ever used God's name as a cuss word?If so that makes you a blastfeamer. 4.keep the Sabbath holy.Have you ever dedicated sunday to something else? 5.Honor your father and mother.Have you done what your parents said?Have you honored them and not rebelled against them? 6.Do not murder.I know you are thinking I haven't killed anyone!But even if you have hated someone in your heart in God's eyes you are a murderer. 8.You shall not steal.Have you ever stolen anything even once? 9.You shall not lie.have you ever lied?Since you have that makes you a liar.And God said that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire 10.You shall not covet.Have you ever wanted what other people have?We have gone through the ten commandments.Are you innocent or guilty?yes, guilty.That's the bad news. You are going to hell.But the good news is that God sent his son to take the punishment and die on the cross.This is the good news. God sent his son to die for us to take the punishment for us.John 3:16 for God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.So turn from your sins, and believe in Jesus!But don't think that your life will have happiness and joy and peace and all that other stuff,it will bring mocking,laughing,trials and other bad trials.The trials are hard but the reward is great.Lets say you are in a plane and all of a sudden the captan announces:This is your captain speaking,the tail of the plane has fallen off and we will be crashing very shortly,oh,and there is a parachute under each of your seats.Thank you for flying our airline,good bye!There were 100 passengers on this plane half do not put on the parachute and half do,and then all of a sudden the plane starts to speed downward the half that have the parachute on jump of the plane 2500 feet down the parachute blows up and they are saved from sure death,the others try to get up but they are pinned to their seats and then they crash and they die.Which half are you in?Thats the biggest question in your entire life:what half are you in?So what are you going to do about it?Are you going to crash?Or be saved from sure death?Sitting with that parachute on is not going to be a picnic either.You are going to be mocked at and laughed at,lots of people who profess to be Christians  will throw the parachute off!They will give Jesus up!We have so little faith.I know you are thinking:I have faith in Jesus!But take the missionarys in japan for instance,they have real faith they are being whipped and killed for the faith!And they still will not give up the parachute,thats what real faith looks like.They are the real model,they are in the hall way of faith!They are giving up their lives for Jesus!And maybe God doesn't want us to go to Africa,Japan maybe he wants us to be missionaries right were you are.And if he wants you to go somewhere your not going to be walking out side one day and you slip and land looking at the word:CHINA.If you have true faith were you want to go,thats were you go.One time I heard about a man that told someone he wanted to witness in  paris.And later that someone(who was bible teacher John Macarther)found out that he had gone to somewhere else to witness!Thats how God works.If you are a born again Christian and you just feel that Jesus didn't stay in your heart,than you probably aren't living like one.Its not just saying the prayer,you have to act on it.You can't say "Yes,I believe."my mother told me this a long time ago,"it has to LOOK like something!"and thats right.A Christian has to look like something or he(she) just blends in with the world.What is true faith?Thats another BIG question in your life.And if you want a model,Look at missonarys.THEY are real believers.If the persecution like that came to America, people that profess to be Christians would stop talking very fast.I heard from Ray Comfort that 61% of americans profess to Christians.But 91% say that they lie!What percent are you in?I also heard that one time 250,000 got saved but only 1400 of those came to fellowship!That is the second BIGGEST question in your life!:What percent are you in?Okay.One lesson left in this tract.Now you know Christianity HAS to look like something,you should start to be different.Here are some steps to start being like a Christian,and living like one:1.Buy a King James version or a New King James version of the Bible,and read it every day(read it at other times to!And get it at cross roads.But you also can just go to you can just search for a verse there if you want)and obey it.2.Find a good church and go there every sunday(and make sure its 100% to worship God!).Well,hope this tract has helped you!For more info please e-mail me at if you get saved please e-mail me!Hope this has helped you!
By:Joshua Bradford Smith