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Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Faith Army Chapter 2

Jack thought about what the reverend had said.The captain shouted "Jack!Were have you been? "talking to the reverend sir" Jack said."What about?" "saving the men sir" Jack said fearfully."What does he have to say this time? We need to witness to them more? We need to-" the captain was interrupted by the reverend."You need to do what the bible says!You won't save these men by just simply telling them they have to get saved! You have to do it God's way,not your way,or the men's way but God's way!" the captain asked,"what is God's way?" "use the bible!" so the captain started to go into the bible with the men in everything he did it was inspired by God's word.And then after the men had learned about God's word and all gotten saved there was a Japanese fleet of four ships.The men were afraid but the captain stood firm in his faith.The men and the captain prayed for victory so when they met the fleet they would have the power of him with them.                            The end of chapter two